Greetings and welcome to the course site for the October 2011 Climate Variability and Change Virtual Course (CVCVC)! As mentioned in the registration process, this site will be the primary avenue of communications for this course.
The first live course session will begin at 9am MDT on Monday 24 October. In the meantime, please take the time to complete the activities listed under "Pre-course Activities" on the main page of this site. In particular, please complete the prerequisites, and submit your pre-course survey. The prerequisites will help you get up to speed on the topics covered during the course week. The survey will help to give us an idea how to tailor this session to best fit your needs. You might also take a moment to fill out your profile in order to better connect with your fellow students and to let us know who you are!
You will be hearing the audio portion of the course via a conference phone line and you will be connecting via a GoTo Webinar session for seeing the presentations and taking part in discussions and activities. The phone and GoToWebinar information is now available at the top of the front page of this course site.
When you register for the GoTo Webinar session (which you might want to do in advance of the course) please take a moment to read the special directions. Since most locations will have multiple people joining from one Webinar connection, we ask you to share your office name using the "First Name" field, so we can tell who we are talking with.
Please be sure to join the phone call and webinar by 8:50 am MDT each morning in order to have time to get settled and for us to take a roll call. We will plan to begin the course at 9:00 am MDT each morning.
We look forward to joining you online in a few weeks. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Lon Goldstein
Course Facilitator
p.s. If you know of anyone registered for the course who has not enrolled on this course site, please have them enroll, or contact me if they have any problems.
Just a reminder of the Climate Variability and Change Virtual Course starting this Monday morning! Please try to be online by 8:50 am for our check ins. The conference phone number and webinar link (along with full agenda and other information) is on the course site:
The powerpoints for each presentation will be available on the site for each day. We try when possible to make these available by the day before so you may download them in advance. This is recommended so that if you have internet connection problems you may still follow along locally. Monday and Tuesday files are now available.
Also again, please note the special directions for registering for the webinar. Especially for those locations with multiple people, if you'll fill in the "first name" field with your location and put the first names of those present in the "last name" field, it helps us know who we are talking with.
See you online Monday!
Lon Goldstein
Course Facilitator
The powerpoints for each presentation will be available on the site for each day. We try when possible to make these available by the day before so you may download them in advance. This is recommended so that if you have internet connection problems you may still follow along locally. Monday and Tuesday files are now available.
Also again, please note the special directions for registering for the webinar. Especially for those locations with multiple people, if you'll fill in the "first name" field with your location and put the first names of those present in the "last name" field, it helps us know who we are talking with.
See you online Monday!
Lon Goldstein
Course Facilitator