Forum: Climate Change and Variability Issues, Concerns, Interests

NE snowstorm ala MJO??

NE snowstorm ala MJO??

de James Partain -
Número de respuestas: 1
Just wondering if anyone has taken a look-see at the MJO indicators to see if this weekend's snowstorm had linkages to an MJO event...would be an interesting "lab exercise" for the next class.

From CNN I found this interesting comment buried between a bunch of people denying climate change:

"Thinking7 said, "I am amazed at how many people do not understand global warming and make fun of this theory. Our earth has a history of ice ages. It goes through cycles naturally. Humans are speeding up this process with all the pollution and deforestation, however. Global warming states that we are changing our earth's weather. We are seeing the extremes. Read up on it. NASA has a whole site dedicated to this climate change."

James Partain
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En respuesta a James Partain

Re: NE snowstorm ala MJO??

de Mark Ewens -
James et al

Funny, I just did a briefing to the Ops Staff yesterday for our area using the MJO impacts. We're looking at the potential for quite a storm here in the Dakota's this weekend. Seems the Empirical Wave Propagation, ECMM, Japan and Brazil models suggest the signal in Phase 5 this weekend, which has something of a connection for us, albeit a weak signal. As far as the New England event, the MJO was in Phase 2 according to the Wheeler diagram. Phases 1 & 2 seems to have a pretty good signal in that Mid Atlantic / northeast region during SON / OND. But my eyes are not what they used to be. I agree, sounds like a great Case Study.