Surface precipitation accumulation


2D-map with the precipitation estimates at surface level accumulated during a predefined period of time.


Product data quantity: precipitation amount
Image size: number of pixels per row (# of columns) and per column (# of rows)
Pixel size: horizontal and vertical extension of the pixel in km
Level slicing method: list of values in 0.1 mm or formula parameters (see section 7 in WD21_99)
Adjustment method: None, Radar-to-gage factors (RT or CL), Gage-tuned Z-R relationship (RT or CL), Radar-to-gage regression (LL or NL or RT or CL), Vertical profile (SY or RE)
Accumulation period: in minutes
Accumulation method: Sampling-and-hold or Interpolation


• RT: real-time,
• CL: climatological,
• LL: linear,
• NL: non-linear,
• SY: synthetic,

Example Image

Accumulation image

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