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Operational Mode

A combination of scanning strategies and product mixes tailored to one or more meteorological situations.

Orographic enhancement

The precipitation process can be enhanced by the seeder-feeder mechanism. Convective cells aloft can produce large precipitation particles, falling through a lower cloud layer and growing at the expense of the water content at the lower cloud.

Overhanging emitters

Radar pictures get infected by microwaves coming from other radars and microwave links. Most of the emitters can be discovered by pattern recognition from polar data.

Example Image

Overhanging Emitters

Overhanging precipitation

Sometimes precipitation evaporates before hitting the ground. Surface station data and NWP data can be used to recognize and correct this fact. Sometimes this operation is the part of the vertical profile correction.

Example Image

Overhanging Precipitation


Failure to detect a target because the radar beam is too high.