Dr. Emily Berndt, Research Scientist, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SPoRT)


Dr. Emily Berndt  joined SPoRT as a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow in 2013, conducting research on use of the Air Mass RGB and hyperspectral infrared sounder data to understand rapid cyclogenesis and high wind events.  Her activities include investigating the use of hyperspectral infrared sounders for unique forecasting applications, the development of real-time products derived from hyperspectral infrared sounders, and investigating recipe adjustments and improvements to multispectral composites. 

Dr. Michael Folmer, GOES-R/JPSS Satellite Liaison, WPC/OPC/TAFB/SAB

folmer photo

Dr. Michael Folmer is a Satellite Liaison at the NWS Ocean Prediction Center, Weather Prediction Center, Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch of the National Hurricane Center, and the NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch.  Michael graduated with his BS in Meteorology from the University of Miami and received his MS and PhD from Saint Louis University.  His background is tropical cyclones, and he has been part of the GOES-R and JPSS Proving Grounds since 2011, introducing new satellite products and techniques to forecasters in the aforementioned centers.  He also does GOES-R/JPSS outreach at NWS Weather Forecast Offices and universities.

Last modified: Monday, October 30, 2017, 12:31 PM