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GOES-R Series Faculty Virtual Course, Fall 2017
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Archived Course and Event Sites
2017 Courses
GOES-R Virtual Course
Tropical Cyclones
Recorded Webinar and Quiz
Recorded Webinar and Quiz
This link will provide access to the recorded webinar and quiz on MetEd.
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Recorded Webinar and Quiz
para abrir el recurso.
◄ Tropical Cyclones powerpoint slides (shared with permission from Andrea Schumacher; very large file)
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Satellite Data Access Tools
GOES-R: The Future of NOAA's Geostationary Environmental Satellites
GOES-R Series Educational Resources
MetEd website
Announcement slide
GOES-R/16 Data and Imagery Page
Real-time GOES-R/16 Imagery Links
MetEd Link for Full Course Access
Instructor Biography: Tim Schmit
ABI powerpoint slides (shared with permission from Tim Schmit; very large file)
Recorded Webinar and Quiz
Instructor Biography: Andrea Schumacher
Tropical Cyclones powerpoint slides (shared with permission from Andrea Schumacher; very large file)
Instructor Biography: Michael Bowlan
Severe Storms powerpoint slide (shared with permission)
Recorded Webinar and Quiz
Instructor Biography: Dan Lindsey
RapidScan powerpoint slides (shared with permission)
Recorded Webinar and Quiz
Instructor Biographies: Chad Gravelle and Amanda Terborg
Aviation Products powerpoint (shared with permission)
Recorded Webinar and Quiz
Instructor Biographies: Scott Rudlosky and Geoffrey Stano
GLM powerpoint slides (shared with permission)
Recorded Webinar & Quiz
Instructor Biographies: Emily Berndt and Michael Folmer
RGB Composites powerpoint slides (shared with permission, very large file)
Recorded Webinar & Quiz
Instructor Biography: Michael Bowlan ►