So, how does a radar work?
Radar transmits a focused radio beam out then waits for any returned signals back from a target at some distance from the radar.
Transmission and receiving is through a dish-like antenna
- The direction where the antenna is pointing determines the azimuth and elevation of the radar target
- The time it takes for the radio signal to leave the antenna, strike a target and return to the antenna determines the distance or range between the radar and the target.
Radio detection antenna acts as a radio to receive any radio signal return from a target (if there is one that is)
Radio ranging the distance to the target can be determined by the time it takes a radio signal to go through the round trip between the radar and the target
The reflectivity Z = ∑niDi6
Directly related to number of droplets
Related to sixth power or drop size
Implies that big drops are really reflective