BWER Algorithm
The algorithm is implemented in a two pass approach.
In the first pass, for each bin a search is carried out in the horizontal and vertical directions in the vicinity of the bin, looking for a sufficiently strong reflectivity gradient that can be thought of as the BWER wall. For each search direction where a BWER wall is encountered, a count number is incremented. Thus if there are 13 horizontal and vertical search directions, the maximum possible count would be 13. A higher count is a stronger likelihood that the radar bin is inside a BWER.
It is possible that while one bin may have a high count and appear quite bounded, its neighbour may be able to see a hole in the echoes and thus have a lower count. This region is not a true BWER since not all bins inside the echo cavity are completed bounded by the BWER wall. Thus a second pass is carried out for each radar bin to assess the "degree of binding" of the radar bin's BWER count to its neighbours' BWER counts. For each bin a search is carried out in the horizontal and vertical directions in the vicinity of the bin, looking for BWER counts that are less than the central radar bin's BWER count. The search ends when a BWER wall is reached or when the maximum search distance is reached, whichever is shorter. If a lower BWER count is encountered along the path, then the central radar bin's BWER count is decremented by one. Thus a final BWER count is generated for each radar bin. If it is greater than or equal to a predefined threshold, then the radar bin is said to be inside a BWER.
The current URP version of the algorithm searches in 8 horizontal directions, 4 upward-diagonal directions, and the vertical direction, for a total of 13 directions. All directions are weighted equally. The reflectivity gradient threshold required to be called a BWER wall is a configurable 8 dBZ per radar bin. The minimum reflectivity required in the BWER wall is a configurable 40.5 dBZ. The search distance is a configurable number of radar bins, currently set to 10 bins. The BWER count threshold is set to a configurable value of 0, where the count must greater than 0 for the radar bin to be called a BWER bin.