
Pure Rotation

Cyclonic Rotation
Mesocyclone Algorithm
Algorithm triggers with shear perpendicular to the radar beam exceeding 5 m/s/km, with the typical mesocyclone being 3 to 8 km in diameter.

Exeter radar May 23, 2000. A example of a low-topped supercell that spawned an F2 tornado.
Plotting of mesocyclones
Coloured circles are used, though the implications on single radar products are different than those on composite products.
The colour scheme used can be interpreted as follows:
- Single radar products: colour and the size of the meso are used to plot the circle. The circle is 4 times the diameter of the meso. Given the typical radius of the mesocyclones, the circles should be 15-35 km wide. Large circles may be indicative of the algorithm triggering on shears that are not mesocyclones.
- Green circle (codes 1-2)
- thin ... shear threshold exceeded at 1 elevation angle
- thick ... shear threshold exceeded at 2 angles
- Yellow circle (code 3)
- meso at all three angles. For most of the radar's range, except the closest, yellow implies shear with significant depth.
- not common
- Orange circle (code 4)
- meso plus angular velocity v2/r of mesocyclone exceeds 150
- Red Circle
- code 4 plus shear confirmed across multiple azimuths
