Harald Richter
Masters with thesis on 'concentrated vortices' (lab work) at Monash University (Australia) and the University of Munich (Germany). PhD in tropopause folding at Monash University.
Postdoctoral work on the initiation of deep moist convection at the State University of New York (Albany) and the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma.
Returned to Australia in 2001 to work on soil moisture modeling at the Australian Bureau's Research Centre.
Switched to the Training Centre in 2004 to train and assess the Bureau's forecasters in all things radar-y & thunderstorm-y. Now in charge of Australian forecaster in-service training across all forecast services.
Hobbies: Well, storm chasing. The most recent manifestation of this addiction is my participation in the Verification of the Origins of Rotation 2 (VORTEX 2) experiment in the U.S. in 2009/2010.