The COMET Translation Resource Center (TRC) is set up to support the WMO community's efforts to expand the availability of training materials through translation.

Members of the World Meteorological Organisation —indeed, of any international organization— require professional, high-quality instructional materials to support their education and training activities. In the spirit of the WMO Global Campus, members are urged to share existing training materials to help meet the growing training needs of the community.

Sharing materials across languages requires translation. Compared to the production of new content, translating existing training materials can be a more cost-effective option. A well-designed translation program can lead to the availability of large amounts of content at a fraction of the cost involved in its original creation. Translation should not be approached lightly, however, as a poor translation can render the effort ineffective for the target audience.

In order to help individuals and organizations around the world to produce quality adaptations and translations of training and educational materials, the TRC offers guidelines, suggestions, ideas, and access to tools and other materials. To foster cooperation, it also offers a forum for connecting with others to seek help, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Modifié le: lundi 5 décembre 2016, 09:44