Topic outline
September 7-11, 2015
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Hosted by Korea Meteorological Administration
Inspire. Share. Collaborate.
A forum to share experiences, expectations, and new ideas for applying emerging technologies and strategies in meteorology and hydrology education and training. An opportunity to collaborate and network with international training entities involved with workforce development in support of national meteorological and hydrological services.
Workshop themes:- Competency-based training and assessment
- Adopting new teaching strategies and innovations
- Quality control and trainer competencies
- Collaboration and the Global Campus
Registration is now open. Call for proposals is complete.
Please visit the KMA registration site for information on travel, hotel reservations and to register for the event.
For more information:
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Adopting new teaching strategies and innovations
Quality control and trainer competencies
In this text the background, the goal, the concept of the Workshop and the results are described. If you have comments please contact Wilfried Jacobs (DWD) - email:
Competency-based training and assessment
Collaboration and the Global Campus
CALMet Engagement and Planning