Enrollment options

The Advanced Hydrologic Sciences virtual course will be split into two 4-days parts separated by a couple weeks.The first part is scheduled to be delivered on 25-28 July 2011. The second part is scheduled for 15-18 August 2011.

The Advanced Hydrologic Sciences Course is intended for NWS forecasters, particularly those at the RFCs, with a background in basic hydrology.The course will look at a variety of intermediate and advanced topics, but will focus on the scientific issues associated with Ensemble Forecasting, Hydraulics, and Gridded Model Forcings.The topics will be presented in the context of the CHPS system and using CHPS in the hydrologic forecast process.Subtopics will include Flood Inundation, Distributed Modeling, Hydro Climatology, Coastal Modeling, Water Quality, and Streamflow Regulation.Experts from operations, research, and private enterprise will be used to instruct the course.

Self enrollment (Participant)
Self enrollment (Participant)