Statistics Lab Forum

Section 2: How does the correlation work?

Re: Section 2: How does the correlation work?

de Edward Ray -
Número de respuestas: 0

I have attached a file with SOI and Nino3.4 correlations. I thought the SOI and Nino3.4 were related in the sense that the correlations would be similar. However, they seem to be the exact opposite. Can you explain this for me. Also, as a review...when we see a significant correlation, +/- 0.4 or stronger if I remember what was presented in class, is that the correlation to the positive index of that feature. For example, for Nino 3.4's positive phase, precipitation has a significant positive correlation (red) across the southern CONUS, which means drier weather on average? Is that correct, and if so is the exact opposite true for a negative 3.4? Just trying to get my head wrapped around this again.

Thanks ahead of time!
