Statistics Lab Forum

Section 1: How normal is the climate normal?

Re: Section 1: How normal is the climate normal?

Paul Sisson
Number of replies: 0
BTV Climate is temperate with normal daily maximum temperatures ranging from 81 in mid summer to 27 in mid winter. Normal daily minimum temperatures range from 10 in mid winter to 61 in mid summer. We average around 37” of rainfall a year. The wettest month is July with around 4 inches and the driest with less than 2” in February. We average 81” of snowfall per year and the record is 145.4”.

Statistically, the normal is derived by interpolating from the respective monthly normals using a cubic spline function. A normal is a period mean computed for a 30 year period comprising three consecutive 10-year decadal periods (for example, 1981-2010).