Forum: Climate Change and Variability Issues, Concerns, Interests

Web Site

Web Site

by Geoffrey Bogorad -
Number of replies: 2
Anyone familiar with this website
Is it legitimate? There are a lot of climate change sites out there with a lot of political agendas and opinions on climate change.

In reply to Geoffrey Bogorad

Re: Web Site

by Mark Ewens -

A friend of mine in the local media had pointed this site out to me some time ago, indicating it was funded by the "energy industry". Ostensibly, it was developed in response to [some of] the negative publicity the Coal Industry has received over the past decade. In that context, and operating under the realization that the entire science of climate / climatology has become so political, take that for what it's worth. Is it legitimate? That is a research project in it's own right. Is it biased? Sure. Outside of most government web pages, anything on the web is biased one way or the other.
In reply to Mark Ewens

Re: Web Site

by Edward Ray -

I hear so much about biased opinions, political agendas, etc. I often get to where I don't know what to believe. That's why I'm really interested in this course. I was hoping it might give me some tools to help me sort through the information out there in the hopes of recogizing real science when I see it...something I can sink my teeth into. Right now I don't even know for sure that governemnt web sites might not be biased. And it seems like there would be at least a few some sites outside government that want the truth (true science), for example some universities maybe. Up to now I've been trying to do my homework by reading as much as I can find out and have time for. Maybe this course will give me some good insight.