Information Forum

CALMet XI participant feedback

CALMet XI participant feedback

by Bruce Muller -
Number of replies: 1

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a pleasant return from your trip to Korea. 

The Planning Committee invites you to provide feedback on your experience at CALMet XI. Your insights will help in the planning CALMet XII in 2017. The survey is available online at  and will be available through the end of September.

If you have any problem accessing this form, please let us know. 

Your time and effort are much appreciated!

Bruce - and the rest of the planning folks

In reply to Bruce Muller

Re: CALMet XI participant feedback

by Bruce Muller -

Dear CALMeteers,

We've received feedback from 13 attendees thus far. A big THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas. It truly helps in improving the focus and logistics for our next gathering. We would really appreciate hearing from the rest of the attendees if you can find the time. The survey form will be available through 04 October at 

Best wishes from Boulder,
